Empowering Communities through Education

Dos Corrientes has partnered with the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí (ULEAM), and students at the Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL) helped to provide research and education on the farm and community. The research goal was the investigation of teaching skill-based vocational courses to men and women from nearby rural communities. Certificate programs will specialize in agriculture, tourism and skills that support community economic growth. Villagers will be empowered with highly valued and employable skills and training that will provide financial stability and improve the livelihoods of their families and communities. All courses will be built on a platform of entrepreneurism.
Vocational training and education is a major step to tackle generational and systemic poverty especially as only,
3% of the national budget is spent on education and 4% on healthcare.
And merely 35% of girls and 58% of boys finish high school.
Applied education along with entrepreneurial training will be a significant part of the model to relieve poverty, increase individual income and promote economic stability in rural communities.
Teaching English

As a result of requests from the village of Liguiqui elders, teaching english to village children became part of the Dos Corrientes programs. It is an opportunity to help the youth of the community learn what might interest them beyond elementary school and better understand through technology about the world around them. Also, young students could become tomorrow’s entrepreneurs who will have an opportunity to interact with English speakers for more community development.
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